Interviewed in her room at Burnt Oak area, London, Uk on 21/10/2011
Name: Khairana Dewi
Nationality: Indonesian
Current Location: London - UK
Artistic role: scupltor
Current work: looking for a job
Contact details:
What is the meaning of being an emerging artist, What implications the term “emerging” has and how can the art market influence the artist’s career and life path?
I think that emerging into the artistic realm means being prepared. Prepared to face the business orientated perspective of art, the skills to publicise your own identity/ work and being prepared to know your art. An emerging artist will have a turbulent relationship with the art market at the start, that is why the term 'emerging' exists in this context, it is the beginning of a career, it is the hard work before the accomplishment. It is before an artist is established.
When the word 'emerging' is placed in the context of art, it is almost compared to 'waves', trends and movements. It is an appealing word as it suggests growth and movement towards a larger scheme of things. There are commercial constructs in every field, but the art market has specific requirements in given times. The emergence of particular artists/work requires social and cultural relevance and in this modern fast paced society where the only thing constant is change, there are artists emerging from everywhere (internationally and locally).
Being in the state of unknowing, in the in between, the space between emerging and accomplished is often displayed in works of emerging artists. We can't help but place our identity in our work somehow. So our work in effect is constantly replenished through experience, and recycled through encouragement with the artistic identity we aim to develop. Being able to directly connect with our art work gives us the power to relate to audiences, our generation and our peers. This makes us relevant. Our psychological journeys through the in between make emerging artists a refreshing change and almost a clue to what could be in store in both the art market and the everyday.
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